Goodbye and Hi

I traveled time with this watch for 8 long years.
7 years working as a wrist watch and 1 year as a bangle/bracelet.
I never used any other watches even though I can borrow from my sister.
This watch broke down on me twice costing me too much like I already bought a new one.
The third time it stopped ticking I decided not to have it repaired 
but instead I decided to hold on to it...for another year.
I just can't go outside the house without it on my wrist. 
It feels like there's something lacking if I don't have it with me.
It was a gift given by my father when I learned how to use and 
appreciate of having a watch with me.
I'm not a time conscious person who keeps track of time every minute 
but I know that time is significant.

After a year of serving it's purpose of being a bracelet, something horrible happened to it.
I lost the back plate of the watch during my trip in Tagaytay-Manila. I didn't really notice if it fell out in Tagaytay or in Manila. It's sad that I had to wait for it to happen
 instead of keeping it safe and sound.

The incident made me decided to totally let go of it. 
It's now or never, I gave the Gucci watch a rest for it served me well for a long time. 
Goodbye to by old watch and Hi to my new one.
I bought a new one from Lulu C. It looks girly than the G though. =D
Looking forward to a number of years with my new watch like my old one or may be more.

I cherish what I have, I keep them safe and value them with life so that they would last long.
If we know how to value things then we will know how to value people, relationships and life in general.