A Craven Soul

Just a thought, I'm in no position to judge, this is just my observation. Prove me wrong then i can take back all of these that you will be reading. Tamaan kung cno gusto tamaan.

There are people in this world who wants to have an image who is so strong as if you can't be toppled down. Some would even say.. "I'm like this, my attitude and personality is like this and there is nothing else that you can do about it. Live with it or not, I don't care". People who have this kind of thinking isn't thinking at all. It's his/her pride who is waddling around his personality. A pride of stupidity I must say.

  • If you want to be someone strong then learn how to accept what is happening to you and accept that you need others! Learn how to co-exist with others and not live with yourself alone. Why were you born if all you wanted is to live by yourself and do things by yourself. If only one can wish to be someone or something then the perfect "object" to be you is to be a non-living thing. Feeling-LESS, sense-LESS, IN-sensitive or even better if you didn't exist.
  • Stop being so self-centered as if you are the only one who is living in this world.
  • Is hiding your only choice just to keep the significant people around you unhurt? Duhhh the act of "hiding" is the most stupid-ESTTTT (to the superlative degree) and an act of weakness. Eventually, you, hiding will still make other people hurt especially one's family. The more you conceal the more hurting it would be. You are beig selfish my dear friend.
  • I'm sure you'll just say, "So what, this is what I want" Go ahead, be our guest. Do whatever you want, hide whatever you want. See you on the other side if there is for you anyway?
Just look, a part of you is screaming for attention but you're pride is eating your means and the whole you. I just hope you open your eyes to the reality that you have to accept that you are not alone.

I have friends who had grim events in their lives, but they stayed strong and they were able to surpass all the tormenting and dreadful experiences. I salute them for their strong faith and acceptance. For you? You are not just the weakest link, but you are one hell of dastardly, craven, funk, and wimpish person in short C-O-W-A-R-D person that I have met in my life space.

A person who doesn't like to be helped will not be given any sympathy but humor alone. All you want to do is laugh. Go on. Laugh your heart out until you make others cry in the end full or regrets. All you have up in your skull and down your heart is the "me" and you don't have the "you".

I learned that i have to add something to my personal motto:

"I am the Me who can't be You, but I can share my life with you." - joDLT