Just Another Stupid Dream

I hold on to nothing
As a matter of fact
I can’t hold on to something
All I have are my dreams
And during the night it gleams

My dream is so peaceful
We were not face to face, but
I can feel warmth of your hug
That even made me feel at a snug
I can feel the clinch of your hand to mine
That I can even cheer for a toast of wine
But all this does not leave me hopeful

And now I’m awake
Oh, it’s just a dream
Just another stupid dream
All I felt was true
And all the rest was fake


6ftnathan said...

ohh another rhyme game.. lemme see..hmmm...

A dream is in fact a subconscious thing...
everything you feel,see or hear are only for a time being...
The warmth, the truth and the smiles are all illusions
Its just your mind playing tricks making delusions..
A kiss, a hug and the company may have meaning...
but once you wake up, it only means nothing...
bitter may it sound but its the one and only truth...
Its not stupid or sad.. Nor lame or mute..
Don't get me wrong, dreams are nice too
You tend to escape even for one moment.. once or twice too...
But sometimes you have to dream in order to have faith..
you know what i mean girl..
searching for that long lost soul mate..

hahaha: 3 am na...